Ongoing Public Consultation on Targeted REACH Revision -

2 February 2022

Ongoing Public Consultation on Targeted REACH Revision

ℹ️ On January 20th, 2022, the European Commission launched a public consultation on the targeted revision of the REACH Regulation ((EC) 1907/2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals). The revision will aim to align the EU chemical rules with the Commission’s ambition for safe and sustainable chemicals and a high level of protection of health and the environment while preserving the internal market.

Citizens and interested parties are invited to comment on the elements listed below:

– revision of the registration requirements, including increasing information requirements and establishing the obligation to register polymers (the building blocks of plastics);

– introduction of mixtures assessment factors;

– simplification of communication in the supply chains;

– revision of the provisions for dossier and substance evaluation;

– reform of the authorisation and restriction processes, including the extension of generic approaches to risk management and the introduction of the essential use concept; and

– the revision of the provisions for control and enforcement.

The consultation will run until mid-April 2022. Make your voice heard here:

Currently, the publication is in English only. Translations will be made available in other EU languages by mid-February.


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