IFRA/IOFI Labelling Manual 2021 -

4 February 2022

IFRA/IOFI Labelling Manual 2021

Earlier this month, the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) and the International Organization of the Flavor Industry (IOFI) published the 2021 edition of their Labelling manual.

The latest edition of this Labelling Manual (LM), prepared by the IFRA-IOFI GHS Task Force, can now be downloaded from our #SDSAuthoringTool #ExESS. The IFRA/IOFI labelling manual is a unique resource containing over 3000 hazardous flavour and fragrance substances classified and labelled according to GHS UN. It is intended to provide guidance to companies aiming to achieve a consistent hazard classification and labelling for fragrance and flavour ingredients.

Many thanks to our partner WikiChemia and the team involved in handling this critical update.

As a reminder, the IFRA-IOFI Labelling Manual is reserved for IFRA/IOFI members, you may request a copy here: https://ifrafragrance.org/policy/labelling-manual

Or by contacting your National Association: https://ifrafragrance.org/about-ifra/membership

About IFRA: https://ifrafragrance.org/
About IOFI: https://www.iofi.org/

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