22 Harmful Chemicals Added to PIC -

25 April 2022

22 Harmful Chemicals Added to PIC

On April 21st, 2022 ECHA announced that, from July 2022 onwards, EU exporters will be required to notify their intention to export 22 chemicals following an amendment to the PIC Regulation.

The amendment targets 22 chemicals among which:

–       15 pesticides;

–       7 industrial chemicals;

–       All substances containing benzene as a constituent in concentrations above 0.1 % weight by weight.

Exporting most of these chemicals will now require the explicit consent of the importing country. In addition, five chemicals that were previously only subject to export notification will also now require explicit consent.

The PIC amendment also bans the export of four previously allowed chemicals.

The ePIC tool has already been updated, which means companies can start notifying their export.

ℹ️ More info: https://echa.europa.eu/fr/-/22-harmful-chemicals-added-to-pic-exporters-must-notify-from-july

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