ECHA Weekly – 3 August 2022 -

8 August 2022

ECHA Weekly – 3 August 2022

The latest ECHA Newsletter is now available. In this edition, ECHA addresses the publication of a new assessment report on Acyl glycinates and sarcosinates. The bulletin also covers new intentions and proposals to harmonize the classification of:

–        eugenol; 4-allyl-2-methoxyphenol (EC 202-589-1, CAS 97-53-0);

–        2,3-epoxypropyl o-tolyl ether (EC 218-645-3, CAS 2210-79-9);

–        Benzenamine, N-phenyl-, reaction products with 2,4,4-trimethylpentene; Reaction products of diphenylamine with nonene, branched (EC -, CAS -);

–        methyl oct-2-ynoate (EC 203-836-6, CAS 111-12-6);

–        dinotefuran (ISO); 1-methyl-2-nitro-3-(tetrahydro-3-furylmethyl) guanidine (EC 605-399-0, CAS 165252-70-0).

ℹ️ For more info, check the full Newsletter at:

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