ECHA Reviews and Good Practices for EOGRT Studies -

31 March 2023

ECHA Reviews and Good Practices for EOGRT Studies

ECHA confirms the effectiveness of the one-generation reproductive toxicity (EOGRT) studies in identifying substances of concern. The studies help to clarify if a substance has adverse effects on sexual function, fertility, and development but it may also provide information on developmental toxicity and endocrine activity as well as effects on or through lactation and other toxicity.

Still after reviewing 55 EOGRT studies, the agency found that, in 20% of the cases, dose levels for testing were too low, leading to difficulties in identifying hazards and the need for repeated testing.

As a result, ECHA has published advice on how to set appropriate dose levels and is planning a workshop later this Spring to help registrants and test laboratories conduct EOGRT testing.

Check the report at:

To the advice:

ℹ️ Source:

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