Drowsy Driving Prevention Week -

23 October 2018

November Safety Topic: Drowsy Driving Prevention Week is November 5-11, 2023

Each month, we’re featuring a workplace safety topic to inspire your training activities and toolbox talks. November 5-11, 2023 is Drowsy Driving Prevention Week.

For many workers, the combination of long work hours and lengthy commutes increase the likelihood of falling asleep at the wheel. And with serious consequences: Transportation incidents account for over 40% of workplace deaths, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Every November, the National Sleep Foundation and employers across the country hold events and education to raise awareness about drowsy driving, its effect on drivers, and how it can be avoided.

Here are 10 easy ways to participate in Drowsy Driving Prevention Week and ensure your employees stay #Awake2Drive:

  1. Download the free Drowsy Driving infographic from the National Sleep Foundation at htttps://sleepfoundation.org/drowsy-driving and share it with your employees.
  2. Create a drowsy driving bulletin board in your break room, file room, or hallway. Download these free posters from the NHTSA.
  3. Use the hashtag #Awake2Drive on your social media accounts.
  4. Host a toolbox talk or safety training to provide education and awareness around the causes and prevention of drowsy driving. You can download free training materials, Powerpoints, and videos from the NHTSA to get your started.
  5. Encourage employees to get enough sleep before they drive. Most adults need 7-9 hours.
  6. Limit travel between the hours of 2AM-6AM, when drowsy driving accidents are most likely to occur.
  7. Provide an area where employees can nap or get coffee before getting on the road, and encourage them to use it.
  8. Offer alternate transportation options, especially from remote work sites where the risk of drowsy driving is higher.
  9. Put your drowsy driving policies in writing. Outline requirements such as how much sleep an employee must have before getting behind the wheel and how employees should handle drowsy driving situations.
  10. Have employees sign a safe driving pledge. Display the banner at your work site or office as a reminder to practice safe driving behaviors.

Next steps: Download the annual Safety Calendar

Participating in Drowsy Driving Prevention Week is just one way to prevent injuries and death at work. In addition to following the tips above, download the free safety calendar for more monthly safety topics to help you plan your toolbox talks and training.

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