ExESS®: Soluzione di conformità per le SDS
Soluzione di conformità per le SDS
ExESS®: Soluzione di conformità per le SDS
La soluzione globale di Lisam, ExESS®, crea, gestisce e distribuisce schede di dati di sicurezza (SDS) ed etichette in conformità al Sistema Globale Armonizzato (GHS) per i principali mercati commerciali. Sfrutta librerie di contenuto di trasporto completamente integrate e frasi normative in oltre 56 lingue.
Sviluppato con la tecnologia flessibile ed estensibile .NET di Microsoft, ExESS® fornisce una piattaforma globale, semplice e personalizzabile per la creazione e la distribuzione di SDS con interfacce utente multilingue e generazione di documenti multilingue.

Creation, management, and distribution of Safety Data Sheets.
Monitoraggio e reportistica dei volumi normativi.
Generazione di etichette.
Schede ed istruzioni per la sicurezza sul lavoro.
Gestione di prodotti chimici ed inventari.
Gestione di incidenti ed inconvenienti.
Gestione di documenti.
ExESS® offers integrated modular solutions for
Easy to configure and customize:
ExESS® EHS applications are user-friendly and easily configurable. Customize, modify, and create screens and report templates, or configure custom approval and validation processes during document formulation or generation.
Developed with Microsoft technology:
As a certified Microsoft partner, Lisam has developed its technology using Microsoft .NET. Fully compatible with Microsoft Office products and tools, the software is easy to use, configure, modify, and customize. A familiar working environment quickly automates the entire process, leading to an extremely fast implementation process.
Integration with ERP and
third-party systems
ExESS® provides a powerful and open strategy for integrating customer and third-party content. The software allows real-time API integration with a wide range of business systems and batch integration with built-in integration tools. Lisam’s clients highlight the success of ExESS® integration with many ERP systems, including SAP, Microsoft Dynamics/Navision, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, Oracle, ProcessPro, among others, as well as internal ERP systems.
Choice of integrated regulatory content providers
Lisam Systems offers a variety of integrated regulatory content options, such as Lisam’s Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) lists, libraries related to the EU, GHS, and REACH, and regulatory lists from various regions. A key differentiator is Lisam’s offer to clients in choosing fully integrated regional third-party libraries, including BIG for the EU, JCDP for Japan, SRICI for China, or ChemADVISOR’s LOLI® as global content. All these options include automatic updates with a push of a button.

ComplyStation: SDS Distribution and Data Integration Solution
The PubliChem and CDP applications will assist you in the automatic distribution and management of SDS and regulatory data integration.