ECHA Identifies a Need for Restrictions for More than 30 Bisphenols - Lisam

6 April 2022

ECHA Identifies a Need for Restrictions for More than 30 Bisphenols

After assessing a group of 148 bisphenols, ECHA recommends restrictions for 34 bisphenols that are known or potential endocrine disruptors for the environment or for human health, or that can be identified as toxic for reproduction. This number could still change when more information is obtained for the bisphenols that were lacking data.

Along with the candidates for restriction, BPA, BPB and 2,2-bis(4′-hydroxyphenyl)-4-methylpentane) have already been confirmed as substances of very high concern (SVHC). In this regard, Germany is already preparing a proposal to restrict the use of BPA and other bisphenols with known endocrine-disrupting properties for the environment (ED ENV). The Agency and the European Commission will therefore consider any further needs for regulatory measures on bisphenols once further clarity is obtained on the scope of the German proposal.

ECHA also indicates that considering bisphenols and other substances as a group is a successful approach as
the (no) need for regulatory action can be faster identified for the whole group, a subgroup or for single substance(s).

️ To the article:

To the assessment report:

