Risk Management Measures Required for 300 Substances - Lisam

20 June 2022

Risk Management Measures Required for 300 Substances

ECHA’s fourth report under its Integrated Regulatory Strategy has been released. This strategy aims to speed up data generation, identification of groups of substances of concern, and regulatory action while clarifying which registered substances are a high priority for regulatory risk management or data generation, and which are currently a low priority for further regulatory action.

In 2021, assessments were finalized for more than 1 900 substances. Around 300 of these substances require risk management measures, while 800 do not currently require further action. The remaining 800 need more data to be generated, and around 350 of these are expected to move to risk management in the future.

Since group assessments became the focus in 2019, a total of about 3800 substances have been assessed at the end of 2021.

Still according to ECHA’s report, the number of substances needing harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) has tripled in 2021 when compared to 2020.  Given CLH are often required to move ahead with further regulatory measures, sufficient resources must be assigned by the Competent Authorities to prepare proposals for the assessed substances and avoid creating a regulatory backlog.

Meanwhile, almost 1 300 high-volume substances (above 100 tonnes per year) have yet to be assessed.

❓ Want to know more about how the Integrated Regulatory Strategy helps manage chemical risks? Click here: https://echa.europa.eu/fr/articles#/article/35848338

ℹ️ To the full article: https://echa.europa.eu/fr/-/immediate-risk-management-suggested-for-300-harmful-chemicals

