WHMIS HPR Alignment with GHS Rev.7 - Lisam
WHMIS HPR alignment with rev 7|WHMIS HPR alignment with rev 7

9 January 2023

WHMIS HPR Alignment with GHS Rev.7

On January 4th, 2022, the much-awaited update to the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System’s legal foundation, the Hazardous Products Regulation (WHMIS HPR), was published in the Canadian Gazette.

This amendment includes 65 updates to the previous HPR publication, among which:
1.     Alignment with GHS Rev. 7;
2.     Select provisions adopted from GHS Rev. 8, such as Chemicals Under Pressure;
3.     Fulfillment of the Canada-United States (U.S.) Regulatory Cooperation Council’s (RCC) commitment.

Following some stakeholders’ concern, Health Canada has modified the regulatory proposal to a three-year transition period.
The team from Lisam America is currently evaluating and drafting the changes the GHS/SDS Canada module will undergo in ExESS and expects the changes to be available in ExESS in 2024.

For any questions regarding the WHMIS HPR update or the Canada Module in ExESS, please contact: us-support@lisam.com.

Source: Canada Gazette, Part 2, Volume 157, Number 1: Regulations Amending the Hazardous Products Regulations (GHS, Seventh Revised Edition)

Other Resources:
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) – Canada.ca
Hazardous Products Regulations 2015 (justice.gc.ca)
GHS (Rev.7) (2017) | UNECE
GHS (Rev.8) (2019) | UNECE

