Enhesa Announces Strategic Partnership with Lisam -

11 March 2024

Enhesa Announces Strategic Partnership with Lisam to Bolster its Comprehensive EHS Compliance Solutions

Brussels, March 11th – Enhesa, the leading provider of regulatory and sustainability intelligence worldwide, has announced a strategic alliance with Lisam, a global provider of smart EHS compliance and practical sustainability solutions.  

Under the agreement, Enhesa will integrate its global regulatory intelligence into Lisam’s robust EHS management platform. This will enable clients to streamline their compliance searches by leveraging an expertly curated EHS content library directly through Lisam’s solutions.

“When it comes to a regulatory space that is shifting as quickly as EHS, companies need to ensure that they have a 360-degree view of their compliance requirements across all jurisdictions,” said Peter Schramme, CEO of Enhesa. “We are thrilled with this partnership that will provide users of Lisam’s platform a full complement of operations compliance, product, sustainable chemistry, and corporate sustainability intelligence.”

“Creating a comprehensive EHS platform requires both the latest regulatory information and the ability to quickly act on this intelligence,” said Michel Hemberg, CEO of Lisam. “Our partnership with Enhesa allows us to deliver the most up-to-date compliance requirements to our clients to streamline their workflows and processes to meet their EHS goals.”

About Enhesa

Enhesa is the leading provider of regulatory and sustainability intelligence worldwide. As a trusted partner, we empower the global business community with the insight to act today and prepare for tomorrow to create a more sustainable future – positively impacting our environment, our health, our safety, and our future. Navigating the fast-changing compliance and sustainability landscapes, we help them understand not just what they should do (first), but also how to do it. Both in their unique business and anywhere in the world. Now and in the future.  Website: enhesa.com

About Lisam

Lisam is a global provider of smart EHS compliance and practical sustainability solutions integrated with Chemicals Management. With a local presence in 21 countries, Lisam offers mission critical EHS software for Incident Management, Audits & Inspections, Sustainability Sources Management, Chemical Inventory Management, as well as Product Stewardship for Substance Volume Tracking and SDS Authoring, Distribution and Management. With a legacy spanning more than two decades, Lisam innovates and shapes environmental compliance solutions for global and local businesses leading the way to a better world. Website: lisam.com

Você está cumprindo efetivamente com os requisitos do GHS adotados pela NBR 14725?

Agora sua empresa pode cumprir com os requisitos do GHS criando FISPQ e rótulos de uma maneira fácil, rápida e flexível.

A solução empresarial da Lisam, o ExESS®, cria, gerencia e distribui Fichas de Informações de Segurança de Produtos Químicos (FISPQ), Safety Data Sheet (SDS), rótulos e mais para os principais mercados comerciais do mundo. O software aproveita as bibliotecas de frases regulatórias e de informações de transporte totalmente integradas e disponíveis em quase 50 idiomas. Construído em Microsoft.NET, uma tecnologia flexível e escalável.

ExESS é uma plataforma global, intuitiva e customizável de criação e distribuição de documentos com interface em diversos idiomas. Saiba Mais

Veja mais: Treinamento FISPQ, Classificação GHS e Rotulagem. | ExESS – Elaboração e Gerenciamento de FISPQ

