Biocidal Compliance Check in the EU -
EU Biocidal Compliance Check reveals noncompliance|||EU Biocidal Compliance Check reveals noncompliance

28 November 2023

EU Biocidal Compliance Check Reveals 37% Non-Compliance Rate

The latest EU-wide enforcement project unveils concerning findings as a third of biocidal products fails to meet legal requirements. The national enforcement authorities checked over 3,500 products across 29 countries. The report reveals a substantial 37% non-compliance rate, pointing to issues ranging from unauthorized active substances to fundamental compliance gaps.

Major Non-Compliance:

Non-compliance was identified in disinfectants, insecticides, and repellents/attractants. In particular, 60 active substances that are not allowed on the EU, EEA and Swiss Markets raised serious concerns. Immediate withdrawal and legal actions were taken against products lacking authorization or containing unauthorized substances.

Safety Concerns in Disinfectants:

265 out of the 1,900 disinfectants which underwent scrutiny were found to be non-compliant. Issues ranged from lacking authorization to incorrect labelling, prompting market withdrawal.

⚠️ Minor Concerns:

19% of non-compliant products had minor issues, leading to advice or administrative orders by national enforcement authorities.

‼️ Companies must take immediate action to address these issues and ensure adherence to legal requirements.‼️

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