Top 10 EHS Blogs You Should be Following in 2023 - Lisam

6 January 2023

Top 10 EHS Blogs You Should be Following in 2023

Reading blogs is an easy way to become a better EHS leader. But you don’t have time to read everything.  In fact, you don’t even have time to sort through pages of blogs to identify the few you might want to read. So how do you decide which blogs to pay attention to? To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite EHS blogs to follow for education, news, trends, and more.

Below, the top 10 EHS blogs to follow right now:

1. ASSP News

The American Society of Safety Professionals’ (ASSP) is your source for trends in the safety profession, including developments in safety management, worker safety, government and regulatory affairs and standards. Also check out the President’s blog, which is written by ASSP President Deb Roy and updated once a month.

2. EHS Daily Advisor

BLR powers the EHS Daily Advisor blog. It provides clear, relevant content that helps EHS professionals overcome their compliance and cultural challenges. Don’t miss their “Faces of EHS” series, which profiles professionals, managers, and executives in the field.

3. EHS Today

EHS Today was originally published as Occupational Hazards in 1938. According to Sandy Smith, editor-in-chief, the blog “builds on Occupational Hazards’ 70-year tradition of editorial excellence, but redefines the mission to serve today’s multi-tasking, technologically savvy reader operating in a global economy.”

Today, the magazine-slash-blog offers news, trends, and strategies for the manufacturing, construction, and service sector. You can subscribe for updates specific to your industry and interests. The organization also hosts a top safety conference: Safety Leadership Conference.

4. Environment + Energy Leader

Environment + Energy Leader (formerly Environmental Leader) offers “news and best practices for commercial & industrial environmental professionals”. Key topics include air, water, waste, compliance, manufacturing, and supply chain. You can subscribe to their newsletter to receive their top news stories twice a week.

5. EPA Blog

The EPA’s official blog shares information related to federal activities and policies. It’s a good way for environmental leaders to stay on top of what’s happening inside the agency.

6. GreenBiz

GreenBiz focuses on “aligning environmental responsibility with profitable business practices”. It’s a great way to stay on top of topics that will interest senior management and help you advance your career. GreenBiz also publishes research related to business, technology and sustainability, like the annual State of Green Business report.

7. Green Tie

The Green Tie is published by the National Association for Environmental Management (NAEM). Its goal is “to advance the public conversation about best practices in environment, heath and safety (EHS), and sustainability management”. Don’t miss their research initiatives, with reports like the EHS & Sustainability Software Ratings Report.

8. OSHA QuickTakes

OSHA’s twice-monthly newsletter is a great way to keep tabs on regulatory news and updates. Recent topics include updates on the workplace injury and illness tracking rule, enforcement news, and whistleblower protections.

9. Safety+Health

Safety+Health is the National Safety Council’s magazine and website for occupational safety and health professionals. The blog provides national coverage of safety news and analysis of industry trends.

10. Lisam EHS Management Blog

Last, and certainly not least, is the Lisam EHS Management blog. (We couldn’t really leave our own blog off the list!)

For over two and a half decades, we’ve been committed to helping global corporations improve performance, reduce risk, and ensure compliance. Our customers and readers include utilities, pipelines, refineries, automotive manufacturers, construction firms, food processing companies, and cement companies.  

Note: This post was originally published in 2018 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.

